The Art of Envisioning

When I first learned the art of envisioning, I was still in art school. I learned to memorize an object from all sides and then turn it around in my mind. Later, I learned to visualize objects in my imagination. . It was an amazing skill.

When I learned to meditate, I discovered another amazing ability: as I sat in the darkness with my eyes closed, I could see my arms very clearly — as if I had my eyes open. In fact, my vision was eerily detailed: I could see tiny details that I couldn’t see except in bright sunlight — like the fine hair on my arms and the pores in my skin.

Later, while walking in the park I suddenly found myself walking with my eyes closed. I once took 100 steps on uneven ground without opening them. I could say that I used my other senses to guide my feet, but the truth is that I could see as if I had my eyes open. I had discovered an interesting fact: I could see with my eyes closed sometimes better than with my eyes open.

Those who call themselves realists scorn idealists and those who dream of a better future. How, they say, can you deny that Man is inherently violent? How can you deny that bad things are all around you?

But some people can see something else, because they have the power of envisioning. They envision a new, better world where everyone is valued and truly equal, and there is no need for strife or superiority. This world is built by many hearts, it is an equally valid potential reality. As we collectively come to believe in  the same dream, and in our power to make the dream real, the old reality starts withering away because we no longer feed it with our emotions and energy.

We are all equally gifted with the art of visualization. Collectively we can create something new when we learn to dream the same dream together. Together, we can envision a new, infinitely better world. And finally there will be a place on this beautiful Earth that the heart can call home.

Books by Aliyah Marr