Arginine for Pain, Fibromyalgia, Neuropathy

This Unknown Nutrient For Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain & Neuropathy

Light Enough to Fly Away

Why do we create? I’d like to say that it is in our nature, but I am not sure. Yes, I think that we are naturally creative beings, and our creations are mainly thoughts enlivened by emotions.

When negative emotions are attached to thoughts, our thoughts become heavy. We become heavy. You can see the emotional weight of some people in how they carry themselves. But we have a choice to do otherwise; we can detach our emotions from our thoughts.

Emotions are what makes the ego feel “real.” That is why many people are actually afraid to be alone, or to meditate to the place where their thoughts stop. Since those daily concerns are emotionally-laden, it seems that we might just float away without the anchor of our emotions. All emotions are ballast for an incredible “lightness of being” that is our true self.

When we are no longer weighed down, our thoughts are like the ephemeral spin of cotton candy; light and meaningless without the drama of our emotions. Clarity and vision becomes possible because your world and your view has become suddenly quite a bit larger. Can you bear becoming so light? What would you do if you found that you no longer are bound by the gravity of your thoughts?

Copyright Aliyah Marr

Books by Aliyah:

Neither Your Thoughts or Your Emotions are You

Does life seem unfair to you? How many times have you seen someone receive unjust rewards while another person goes hungry for love, money or simple appreciation?

I’ll never forget the day that I discovered the three principles of emotions: that all emotions are valid, that they are supposed to flow freely, and that it is better to not to judge yourself for having them. Soon after, I found a very effective way to step out of them. When I felt myself get tearful, I would simply state quietly, “Ah, I am emoting,” and it would stop me long enough to step outside of my habit, so that I could observe the emotion and its trigger.

This little in-the-moment detachment technique proved very effective; it allowed me to break the habit of emotional reactivity. Now I understand that I have the power in any circumstance and in every moment to choose my thoughts and my emotions.

The nicest thing about my solution was that I created it out of my own need to both express my emotions and detach myself from them. You can choose a different way to step outside of your habits, and give yourself a chance to change. The act of creating a solution tailored to your own personality and needs is just as important as the technique’s ultimate effectiveness.

If you find this too difficult at this time it means that you do not have enough energy yet to make such a big change. So just focus on a negative thought the next time one arises. The emotional charge connected to the thought has made it noticeable; one may say that it shines, like a light in the dark.

Just sit with it, and feel it as energy in your body. Don’t think about it, just put your full consciousness on the energy; follow it as it leaves your body. Be aware of it as energy, meditate without thinking, and you will gain immediate relief from the negative emotion.

Copyright Aliyah Marr

Books by Aliyah Marr

The Beginning of the End of Time

Welcome to the beginning of the end of time

With all the changes happening everywhere, many people are alarmed. We are concerned about how our lives may be affected.

I know what it is like to see how everything that had been working suddenly not work anymore. I am here to tell you that when you see this start to happen, just let go; don’t hold onto the dead weight of your past anymore. The quicker you let things go, the easier it will be to step into your future.

And just what is your future? If you let it (allow it to happen) it will be what you have always wanted at the deepest level of your soul. Or to put it another way, it will be what is best for you. It is your chance to live the life you were meant to live, an opportunity to live a truly authentic life.

When I went through these changes a few years ago, I went through a lot of angst. My circumstances forced me to change; one by one the things that used to work for me — career, home, finances, everything — just stopped dead. I felt as if I were abandoned and alone. I could not understand why; I couldn’t even understand how.

What made it most difficult was that I seemed alone; everyone else was doing well, while I experienced the most humbling years of my life. These days, the same thing is happening to those who previously were doing well. The only difference is that we are experiencing it as a group. We are learning that there is no security, no continuity, and no future in our old lives. Those lives are dead-ends. Why? Because they don’t belong to the new paradigm that is unfolding.

The new paradigm is one of individual creativity and freedom. Creativity and freedom cannot exist inside an environment of fear; they can only grow inside a matrix of love and openness. The new paradigm will not have the kind of security that comes from amassing great stores of money, or from building a fortress against unseen enemies. Instead, we will find security in our relationships and the quality of our lives. Our assets will be counted not in cold hard cash, but in the measure of our integrity, in the health of our children and society, in the quality of our goods and services, in the inventiveness of our ideas, in the consistency of our friendships, and in the honesty of our partnerships.

Artists are scouts into the unknown; I can say that I have seen the future. I have returned from my journey to tell you that you should not be afraid.

You should not be afraid to listen to your heart and follow where it leads. Years ago, the voice of my heart was a tiny, almost inaudible voice. It was almost drowned out by my fear and by the fear in the world around me. It was difficult to hear. I was not sure what it was when I heard it speak. Sometimes I was not even sure that it wasn’t the voice of fear.

How do you know the voice of fear from the voice of the heart? Fear makes your heart and throat feel constricted. New ideas, new paths, and freethinking people seem threatening from the limited perspective of fear. A fearful person wants to control everything. Fear puts leashes on people and cages around thoughts. On the other hand, the voice of the heart always speaks the truth of your soul, but it can seem irrational, and the paths that it proposes feel exciting and sometimes downright scary.

At the beginning, the two voices intermingle. For instance, the heart might propose an idea that the fear-based mind calls crazy and dangerous. When that happens, just listen to both voices in detached silence. Allow the voice of the heart grow louder, as it will over time as you continue to listen to it. Finally, you will just know what to do, and you will simply find yourself doing what the heart proposes without question.

You will find your individual truth and speak it fearlessly. How do you know it is your truth? The key is in how ideas and insights just seem to come to you: suddenly you will have an insight that seems to come from nowhere. You have never heard it before, but it resonates with you at a deep level.

Someone recently asked me (in reference to speaking my truth): “How do you deal with fear?” I replied, “The message has grown larger than my fear. My mission has grown larger than my fear.” This is really strange, because before this change I had no mission, and would have looked at anyone askance if they had proposed that I could have a purpose beyond my own personal development.

Something I have noticed in the last few years is that time is speeding up. In fact, time is accelerating year by year at an exponential rate. Each year seems twice as fast as the year before. Time is faster now than it was last summer, and it was faster then than the beginning of the year. Now, like the Red Queen in “Through the Looking Glass,” we are virtually flying over the ground.

What does this mean? It means that we don’t have any more time to be afraid to follow our hearts and do what we are meant to do. We no longer have much time to dilly-dally around doing things that don’t serve us or anyone else. How much longer do you think you would have wanted to work at your old job? Check with your heart: weren’t you really glad when you lost it?

What better time to build that new green business, meet new people, sail around the world, have a child, adopt a baby, take loving care of your elderly parents, start a new career, take up photography, make a movie, climb Mt Everest, learn to ski, go on a archeological dig, teach reading, found a charity, start a school, go on a vision quest or walkabout, or just sit still and meditate.

The time to do what your heart wants is now, because these days mark the beginning of the end of time: as time accelerates toward the speed of light we will finally run out of time. Soon, we will have finally arrived at the finish line of the now. That day will mark the end of the tyranny of time. No longer will you mark your days with a clock, instead, your day will be as long as you want it to be; instead of marking time, spending time, wasting time, or running out of time, you will be able to make time to be whatever you want to be.

The end of time will come when we finally do whatever makes us most happy, when we are finally here and now. When we follow our hearts, which always tell us true, we become timeless and eternal. And so the paradigm shifts, time ends, and your real life can finally begin.

Excerpt from Celestial Journey by Aliyah Marr

4 Stargates are Opening Now!


Heightened Energy

Kryon Mystery Series ~ The Evolution of Human DNA

May 10, 2024 by Suzanne Maresca

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“Is it possible to change your DNA? There is a new system coming for graduate lightworkers and Old Souls. They have graduated from the old energy so that there is a complete and total erase of all kinds of karmic and Akashic energy that will not transmit to their next life.

This message is to tell you about what will replace the old system of reincarnation, because you can’t carry an old energy system into a new paradigm. What you’ll learn next is the school of mastery, not the school of the Akash.

Within your DNA is a multidimensional chromosome pair; it’s the 24th pair, and it came from the stars. What creates the instruction for mastery? Kryon gives us a new term called Esoteric Wisdom of your Intuition (EWI). The 24th pair is your Soul pair, and it contains all of the mastery and wisdom from the stars. It is going to replace your old energy Akash and karma.

You’ll have the intuition of mastery and know how to help others. Intuitively you will have wisdom. It is time for the awakening of the 24th pair and the wisdom. That is what will replace the old energy of karma and the Akash.

Kryon Mystery Series ~ The Evolution of Human DNA

NOAA Predicts Potential Aurora Tonight as Far South as Alabama After Severe Solar Storm Witnessed

When NOT to Take Magnesium for Sleep and Anxiety


ANOTHER SHIFT HAS OCCURRED:Two days ago, on Thursday 18 April 2024, I received a SIGN in the physical holographic reality, we were about to go through a SHIFT that day. I always receive the same sign, for a SHIFT. Increased LIGHT BODY ACTIVATION being on 16 April, two days before the SHIFT. I hesitated writing about the shift on that day, in order to just observe it. Yes, as a COLLECTIVE we each have individually shifted. We have each SHIFTED onto our OWN next LIGHT NODE POINT of perspective.

WHAT IS A SHIFT?I only explain it as I was shown in 2013:Imagine an energetic wall made of Coloured Light, geometrical formation, frequency and VIBRATIONS. The vibration means it constantly has movement as the Light Structure design. You are on one side of this alive light structure, at YOUR OWN individual frequency. When your frequency is the exact same frequency as the Lighted WALL LIKE structure, the light structure OPENS. No longer impermeable, it opens, very temporarily, into two pieces that are like two sliding light doors. Your current human state of consciousness PASSES THROUGH the moving opening. The opening CLOSES behind you (I adore how God, through frequency and vibration, created energetic SEALS to protect HIGHER LEVELS from lower density lighted layers and subsequent holographic realities). You are then on the other side of the Gateway (Light Wall). When another human avatar matches that same Gateway via their own frequency alignment, it opens again, for them. Once a gateway is OPEN in this collective journey of humanity, it stays accessible for ANY, to match their frequency to it, at their right timing.

EACH GATEWAY is effectively a particular TYPE of LIGHT POINT within a spiral we experientially seemingly traverse in our awakened journey (in our human avatar path). Each Gateway has it’s own unique frequency. No Gateway is alike. Please clearly understand, that although a Gateway is just a human word for a LIGHT NODE POINT, OTHER Light Nodes have many MANY OTHER DIFFERENT functions to Gateways. So Light Nodes are not just Gateways. LIGHT NODES are complex structures. Their complexity of light, colours, frequencies, geometrical light formations, and multiple complex vibrations, give each light node a FUNCTION, thus an EFFECT. Example: A planet seems solid from one person’s perspective. Yet at another higher frequency perspective a planet is made of light and acts as a transmitter station. It has function and causes effects. Based on its design at lighted levels. All light has function, different functions, that hold and carries LIGHT DATA (knowledge) at many various HERTZ octaves. Based on a beings perspective (which is based on their frequency).

THE OTHER SIDE OF A GATEWAY:On the other side of any Lighted Wall (Gateway), you are in a new stage of your awakening into more consciousness. It is seemingly new to that human. But not new to your consciousness that is guiding the human avatar. It therefore feels like ‘not knowing and new’ or no man’s land, to the human aspect, living and experiencing their journey in a newly accessed frequency. Life can and usually changes whenever we each go through gateways.If a person doesn’t really change in frequency through their lifetime, they do go through gateways that are close to their frequency. Just that those gateways close by are of lower vibrations. So cycling is experienced in various ways presented in the human life, in order for people to see and choose a higher frequency choice.

If they don’t seek higher state of consciousness, they remain in a lower hertz bandwidth of many frequencies. They experience highs and lows but don’t change in consciousness. Stay within the programming. Within the programming the ego can take over the avatar and run it. The more we dissolve human programming, limited beliefs, or heavily engrained reactions and behaviours of the avatar personality, the higher the human avatar becomes in their frequency. Therefore, they traverse through higher and higher FREQUENCY Gateways (energetic lighted, vibration walls that are alive, moving, yet SHUT to a person, until they match the SAME frequency as the Gateway).

So when people talk about SHIFTS, this is what they are and how they were made/created, by God’s creation, within this particular game. And I hope this explanation helps some.

I personally see everything PHYSICALLY and therefore mentally, as Light. So to me, SHIFTS are like hopping through light nodes, when right timing presents within our own unique Blueprint. To me, everything is the dance (movements and vibrations) of LIGHT.

There are COLLECTIVE SHIFTS. Such as the Collective Shift on 18 April 2024. We all jump through the next Gateway relevant to OUR OWN point of LIGHT and JOURNEY. So again (as it can be misleading) we don’t jump through the SAME Gateways as each other.

There are also INDIVIDUAL SHIFTS. That are not happening collectively to everyone all at once. An individual shift is a Gateway where it’s just your timing, to shift at stages within your own path. As per your individually designed timings based on your own Blueprint. I hope this helps. And if not, just know, as I have always ALWAYS said:God made it simple, for every single being on this Mother Earth: To Be Love. Choose Love. LOVE opens ALL DOORS. A FULLY open heart, and an ever open mind, is ALL that is required. No knowledge is necessary in truth, yet you gain knowledge FROM WITHIN YOU as you become more and more consciousness. For all it is a journey of many stages. And each have their OWN unique way and style. It is only the mind that resists Love. Yet humans control their love or choose who to give it to; Measured, ruled and controlled by inner programmed fears. Yet Love, all Love, is God’s alone. At first, by the human separated will, human beings, by degrees of their choosing, judgements and fears choose to love, or not to love, in EVERY SINGLE MOMENT of their life. Yet it is the Octave of Love that is ALL LOVE, we can each remember. And with it, sustained, a state of consciousness that experiences God’s Presence in all moments.

All my Love,

Amanda Lorence20 April 2024

(4) Facebook

April 2024, a Launch Point for Humanity with Jim Self

Part 2: Barbara Lamb on ET Contact and Human Hybrids Episode: Episode #35

*** Please note Barbara’s new site: *** ►Regression Appointments: ►Signed Books: —— In this episode, we talk with the amazing Barbara Lamb, an icon in the fields of past-life regression and extra-terrestrial contact. Barbara has been a practicing regression therapist for 44 years, uncovering astounding information from extraterrestrials who are invested in the wellness and evolution of Earth and of human beings, through her regression clients. Barbara has also had remarkable experiences of extraterrestrial contact herself, and while she doesn’t often talk about them – she does in this interview! This is a galactic conversation involving discussion about the true meaning of being human on Earth. Tune in to enjoy Barbara’s lovely, warm personality and learn from her extraordinary career path and expertise. This is a two-part episode; be sure to listen to the whole thing!

Part 2: Barbara Lamb on ET Contact and Human Hybrids Episode: Episode #35

(3) Part 2: Barbara Lamb on ET Contact and Human Hybrids Episode: Episode #35 – YouTube

Part 1: Barbara Lamb on ET Contact and Human Hybrids Episode: Episode #34

*** Please note Barbara’s new site: ***

►Regression Appointments:
►Signed Books:

In this episode, we talk with the amazing Barbara Lamb, an icon in the fields of past-life regression and extra-terrestrial contact. Barbara has been a practicing regression therapist for 44 years, uncovering astounding information from extraterrestrials who are invested in the wellness and evolution of Earth and of human beings, through her regression clients.

Barbara has also had remarkable experiences of extraterrestrial contact herself, and while she doesn’t often talk about them – she does in this interview! This is a galactic conversation involving discussion about the true meaning of being human on Earth. Tune in to enjoy Barbara’s lovely, warm personality and learn from her extraordinary career path and expertise. This is a two-part episode; be sure to listen to the whole thing!

Castor Oil Mistakes You Need to STOP Making Right Now!

Castor Oil Benefits

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Let Go of Your Safety Net

Love of Self

Love of Self – YouTube

Illumination Shoud 6 with Adamus Saint-Germain

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